Saturday, August 4, 2012

Inaugural Posting - Charles Pollock Chair for 98.5% off

As a recreational reader of Apartment Therapy and whatever else I stumble upon, I sometimes read in the comments about the aversion to decor/layout choices that look too department-store like. And I'm thinking maybe those people would say the same for this. It's about his mint condition Pollack chair that he's quite satisfied with, even after paying freight shipping. The picture looks sweet:

Well Mr. Chicago-design-guy-with-coincidental-red-phone-with-the-red-covered-book-at-the-bottom-of -the-bookstack I can top that. How about a non-mint Charles Pollack with no armrests for $21.99 versus $1474 for a brand new armless one. The math says I can buy about 60 of these. Boooooyah:

And an upside down label to make it certified, from May 18, 1978: 

Details matter right? The details though, are that this particular chair must have had armrests since there's holes where the screws used to be to fasten them down. That said, I'm fine with that for a 98.5% discount.

Then again, looking over eBay auctions - a typical used Charles Pollock (fabric or leather) seems to average out at $150. Maybe they'll go for more if they are impeccably clean.

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